
Νέα έκδοση PrestaShop

Η αναβάθμιση για το prestashop είναι πλέον διαθέσιμη με μία σειρά από διορθώσεις σε κενά ασφαλείας αλλά και λειτουργικά θέματα.

Δείτε στη συνέχεια όλες τις σημαντικές αλλαγές που φέρει η νέα έκδοση.

Fixed bugs:
* FO : Fix #NM-132 undefined var
* FO : Fix #PSCSX-6537 / show-right-column in body class
* FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-6517, could have edit with defer JS + missing closing tags + additionnal js loading in ajax from #PSCSX-2361 again
* FO : Fix #PSCSX-6520 Wrong product availability text on Price drop page
* FO : Fix bug #NM-579 Signing in does not change status in the top navbar
* FO : undefined var + could not add to cart without block cart top hooked
* FO : display only specific price by current combination
* FO : remove leftColumnBlocks var declaration in global.js
* FO : Fix #PSCSX-6504 / Productcomments and new global.js stars are not display correctly
* FO : no cart-summary.js on step 0 with minimu order error
* FO : #PSCSX-6432 fix bug while specific price start to 1 quantity and initial price to 0
* FO : Fix #PSCSX-6236, search missing lowercase chars
* FO : Remove useless parenthesis
* FO : add colors to product list before the hook "actionProductListModifier"
* FO : Fix #PSCSX-2183 bdisplay of one_phone_at_least in OPC
* FO : Fix temp table on slave issue
* FO : Can not see addresses when already registred as guest in OPC
* FO : Fix missing cart rule lines in shopping cart
* FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-5153, bad free shipping display when carrier out of range
* FO : Fix #PSCSX-5820, close new acount form
* FO : Fix #PSCSX-4346 correct ajax display of reduction
* FO : Fix #PSCSX-4346 specific price amount tax
* FO : #PSCSX-6427, link to favorites product in my accoutn with https
* FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-4260, "Free shipping" for virtual products, undefined $virtualCart
* FO : Fix #PSCSX-6316, display bug with uniform and selects in left column
* FO : #PSCSX-6341 fix bug when apply cart rule with free shipping
* FO : Fix #PSCSX-5038 order state on split order
* FO : Fix #PSCSX-5038 quantity on order detail of split order
* FO : #PSCSX-5065, backward compat
* FO : auth error if $back is not defined
* FO : $order is as class variable
* FO : theme retro-compatibility regarding the CGV
* FO : #PSCSX-6227 ajax search add hook for stats search
* FO : Fix #PSCSX-6345 handle id_product_attribute
* FO : Fixed bug showing errors in manufacturer list
* FO : Wrong discount table for combination
* FO : Invalid combination price in case of ecotax
* FO : Fix #PSCSX-6275, issue with attribute anchor separator
* FO : Fix #PSCSX-4340, wrong tax label display in cart summary
* FO : Fix bug #PSCSX-6103, no product images in cart when combinations feature not active
* FO : Fix #PSCSX-6165, root category in breadcrumb
* FO : Fix #PSCSX-4340, wrong tax label display in blockcart layer
* FO : NOTICE: non-existing property
* FO : fixed wrong postcode regexp validation
* FO : Fix wrong statement close
* BO : Fix memcached test (PSCSX-6348)
* BO : Fix issue with multiple trees loaded on the same page (PSCSX-6268)
* BO : Hightlight default combination into Product Quantities tab
* BO : Fix #PSCSX-6474, bad display of inputs in orders
* BO : #PSCSX-6437 Product import, each image downloaded twice.
* BO : Fix placeholder clear event in AdminCustomerThreadsController
* BO : Fix #PSCSX-6474 currency input in orders
* BO : Fix bug with AdminOrdersController when trying to edit a product
* BO : Fix cover image issues (PSCSX-6473)
* BO : #PSCSX-6458 KPI not loaded
* BO : #PSCSX-6441 small css fix
* BO : #PSCSX-6385 remove ability to order position while filtering
* BO : Fix filters errors
* BO : #PSCSX-6453 Import duplicates parent categories if it does not exist
* BO : Set file as required in attachment form
* BO : badges in quickview modal
* BO : Fix #PSCSX-6457 "Maintenance Mode" disappears in Modules page
* BO : Fix #PSCSX-5992, bad display of carriers list
* BO : #PSCSX-5968, unable to add payment choosing specific date
* BO : #PSCSX-5931 type input field 'file' with multiple option to true
* BO : Correct chosen-sprite.png link
* BO : Fix #PSCSX-6380 , spaces in products' image url when importing
* BO : #PSCSX-6290 Datetimepicker hidden by header
* BO : again Fix #PSCSX-5821, after filtering products issue with category
* BO : Fix bug #PSCSX-5996, ordering Attributes Groups
* BO : Fix KPI refresh functions
* BO : #PSCSX-6308 refacto order slip PDF generation
* BO : Fix #PSCSX-5407 correct cart summary total
* BO : Usage of defined Referrer variable
* BO : Could not export default theme in dev mode because of .sass-cache
* BO : Fix #PSCSX-4214, "Recommended modules" on Localization Tab
* BO : Fix timeout on customer modules list
* BO : #PSCSX-6305 Display filters in back-office on mobile
* BO : Fix use of custom class with textarea (even if autoload_rte not set)
* BO : Remove duplicate bought and must have modules
* BO : Fixed bug in partial refund, not executed the hook actionOrderSlipAdd #PSCSX-6287
* BO : Fix #PSCSX-6367, unable to see status of vouchers related to customer
* BO : Fix #PSCSX-6361, in employee admin theme list name, each theme name is "default"
* BO : Use original PS Addons width for modules icons (57 px)
* BO : Fix bought module that can't be installed because of the "must have" type
* BO : Fix getModuleTranslation()
* BO : Fix #PSCSX-5821, after filtering products issue with category tree filter
* BO : avoid redirection on addons registration
* BO : Fix #PSCSX-5390, duplicate in modules exceptions
* BO : libxml_clear_errors cache issue in AdminController Modules list
* BO : Set stock option the same for all context shops when creating a new product
* BO : Fix #PSCSX-6234, could not update category position to first position
* BO : Fix #PSCSX-6206, bad redirection on Transform a guest into a customer
* BO : Incorrect price TI initialisation in case of ecotax
* BO : Fix #PSCSX-6160, could not select hook in Admin Modules Positions
* BO : FixBug #PSCSX-6208 - Profiling redirection error
* BO : Fix unknown iso_user JS var while in AdminTab
* BO : Fix sign out exception with debug profiling
* BO : Fix bug #PSCSX-6246 - Wrong cart status filter
* BO : FIX #PSCSX-6158, notice in modules list
* BO : Fix #PSCSX-5365 id_shop not well set
* BO : Fix #PSCSX-5738 duplicate product on supply order
* BO : Fix #PSCSX-5883 need to check if multistore is enable
* BO : Fix #PSCSX-6138, CustomerMessage->message length (244826) must be between 0 and 65000
* BO : Fix #PSCSX-5844, Property CustomerMessage->message is not valid
* BO : Fix bug #PSCSX-6154 - Customer filter in orders
* BO : Media::addJsDefL should be called in admin controllers with addslashes and no htmlentities
* BO : More flexible way to declare click function
* BO : Fix #PSCSX-6087 "Maintenance Mode" disappears in Modules page
* BO : Fix #PSCSX-6086, wrong version in header
* BO : Fix bug #NM-513 - JavaScript error on modules using AdminTab
* BO : Change bulk modules update
* BO : Fix bug #PSCSX-6052 - Invalid date_upd in import
* BO : Fix tree issue
* BO : Fix #PSCSX-5615 tinymce allow all html element
* PDF : Order slip Tax detail computation fix. #PSCSX-6408
* PDF : EN to dejavusans
* PDF : Fix shop_address missing in old order_invoice outside of upgrade process
* PDF : smarty warning for Order slip. #PSCSX-6245
* PDF : Fix #PSCSX-5167, bad date display in delivery slip
* PDF : Need to use product_reference that depend of attribute
* CORE : #PSCSX-5164 notices
* CORE : Fix PSCSX-6544, typo in replaceAccentedChars for letter B
* CORE : Fix bug #PSCSX-5912, actionCategoryDelete on all sub tree
* CORE : Avoid a division by zero that produces warning
* CORE : Fix #PSCSX-6484, fatal error on PrestaShopCollection::getAll
* CORE : Fix #PSCSX-6478 module override with explicit dependencies in ctor
* CORE : wrong currency on partial voucher using a different currency in an order
* CORE : Fix namespace usage in new Core Stock management for PHP 5.2 until v1.7
* CORE : Warning on getAvailableCarrierList
* CORE : Fix #PSCSX-6420, Notice: : id_country in Country.php
* CORE : Fix #PSCSX-6425, phpdoc on orderSlip
* CORE : Fix #PSCSX-5471 don't need to update if continue before
* CORE : Fix #PSCSX-5611 delete advanced stock row when delete product
* CORE : Fix #PSCSX-6395, Exception Property StockMvt->id_supply_order is not valid
* CORE : Fix Configuration::updateValue method result
* CORE : Fix inserting HTML configuration variable first time
* CORE : Remove non-existent params from comment
* CORE : Fix #PSCSX-5629 Meta don't scan override dir to check new front controller
* CORE : Fix #PSCSX-6081 add those db field in the definition
* CORE : Fix missing backquotes on Employee
* CORE : Fix #PSCSX-6153 id shop not well set so don't cache
* CORE : Correct bug were supply order where validate etc.. but stock not added
* CORE : Tools::str_replace doesn't exist
* CORE :
* fix #PSCSX-5826, sql db exception on features and attributes positions cleaning
* CORE : Added missing hook on update logo from AdminTheme
* CORE : Try to fix #PSCSX-5167, no payment mention in delivery pdf when no invoice
* CORE : Fix #PSCSX-3480 htaccess generation with media server
* CORE : Module class now add 4 space instead of a tab
* CORE : Correct regex that remove ligne when not needed
* CORE : Fix #PSCSX-5882 delete loose the information out of stock etc..
* CORE : bad property name. image_type doesn't exist anymore. Replaced by imageType
* CORE : Fix translation issue with html entities
* CORE : Fix PHP 5.2 issue on FileSystem Core class
* CORE : fix SSL in CMS links
* IN : Fix #PSCSX-6535 + PSCSX-6346 adding id_cart to id_product_2 key in specific_price
* IN : Fix bug #NM-474, no hook on header for blocktopmenu on theme copy
* IN : Fix #PSCSX-6133, Property TaxRulesGroup->date_add is not valid
* LO : fix translation ES tabs
* LO : correct Sweden flag
* WS : Fix current_state not filterable on Orders (#PSCSX-5578)
* TEST : Clear hook_alias cache
* TEST : You mustn't do assertion on setup or teardown
* TEST : add setUpBeforeClass()
* PROJECT : Fixed constant name in Order::getTotalPaid
* PROJECT : getBrightness() with a short $hex (e.g.: #FFF)
* MO : update.gitmodules / add .git to sendtoafriend url
* CLASS : DbQuery / Add rightJoin() and rightOuterJoin() methods
* CLASS : OrderDetail / Use DbQuery->letJoin() instead of join with LEFT JOIN inside

Deprecated methods:
* BO : filters on Prices will match only Equality instead of %LIKE%. #PSCSX-6248
* PROJECT : Product packs: specific case to decrease stocks of a pack if one product is sold separately, as #PSCSX-4759

Improved/changed features:
* MO : Fix #NM-423, no h2 in blockcart
* BO : wording for gross margin KPIs
* BO : modules new categories "Customer Reviews", "Social & Community".
* BO : AdminDeliverySlip - wording
* BO : AdminEmployeesController;php - wording for newsletter subscription
* BO : meta.php - error message punctuation
* BO : Remove version under the employee drop down
* BO : updated BG tab translations
* BO : add SR translation for tabs
* BO : add ID translation for tabs
* BO : add HU translation for tabs
* BO : add CS translation for tabs
* BO : fix PSCSX-6378, add NL translation for tabs
* BO : Fix #PSCSX-6299, Bo redirect_after on AdminSearch
* BO : Update wording about SSL
* BO : Allow SSL in _PS_HOST_MODE_
* BO : #PSCSX-6240 dashbord add tax excl to sales and cart value
* BO : #PSCSX-6226 get real margin in stats best category
* BO : #PSCSX-6227 display tax ecxlude on average order/cart value
* BO : add bower/saas files to gitignore
* BO : Fix #PSCSX-6134, redirect_after on adminCustomers
* BO : Missing "readonly" attribute in form.tpl for "textarea" input type (Helpform)
* BO : fix #PSCSX-6096 untranslate string in orders pdf
* LO : updated ES tab translation
* LO : fix PSCSX-5812 - updated tab translations
* PROJECT : gitignore rules to ignore more mails template changes
* PROJECT : Added TODO comment about Configuration::updateValue method
* PROJECT : Convert indentation to spaces
* CLASSES : Add actions hooks when customer logs in / out
* PDF : Added page number and page count in footer
* PDF : #PSCSX-6166, Fix base price for specific price in %
* PDF : Shop address missing for old orders < 1.6.1 as #PSCSX-6169
* FO : Better display of carrier logo during order process
* FO : Remove inline css from js for advancedPayment option
* FO : Using class instead of id for displaying AEUC hook
* CORE : Partial Fix #PSCSX-6135, include users proper defines file

Added Features:
* TESTS : Add unit tests for PrestaShop#2867 minifyCSS() & ReplaceByAbsoluteURL()
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